What is Sedation Dentistry?
- Dr. Samantha Robles is proud to offer IV/Conscious Sedation for our patients.
- Dr. Robles has received extensive training in sedation and is certified in IV/ Conscience Sedation by the North Carolina Dental Board of Examiners.
- Dr. Robles is certified in Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
- IV/Conscious Sedation means using a combination of medications to help you to relax and block discomfort. You will receive the medicine through an IV line and begin to feel drowsy and relaxed very quickly.
- IV/Conscious sedation is a safe and effective method of sedation. Dr. Robles and staff will closely monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure and will give the specific amount of medicine needed for each individual to ensure maximum comfort and relaxation. You may fall asleep, but you will wake up easily and respond to sound and touch.
- After conscious sedation you may feel drowsy and the best part is that you will likely not remember the procedure.
- If you think that sedation may be a option for you, please make sure to ask Dr. Robles for more information during your consultation visit.